How To Properly Create A 6-figure Income From Trading and Develop A Long Term Strategy

(You DON’T Have To Keep Switching Mentors, You CAN Generate Consistent Returns And You WILL Make Trading An Actual Life-Long Asset…)

​Watch our short intro video to learn what is it about:

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Learn A Trading Strategy That Actually Works

Proin eget tortor risus. Proin eget tortor risus. Sed porttitor lectus nibh.

Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada.

Join The STS Mentorship Program Today For Only $97/mo

Experienced Traders Who Already Went Through This Mentorship

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Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

John Black

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Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Emma Fox

Here's Who I AM And Why I Can Make You This Promise...

My name is Kenneth and I am the founder of Simple Trading Solutions.

First of all, I was fortunate to have started trading with a lot of capital! Because of this one thing, I did not develop a lot of bad habits new traders currently suffer from :

I was not undercapitalized
I did not need to become overleveraged
I did not need a “holy grail”
I did not NEED to make money!

What I needed was pure confidence in my trading. I wanted to make a positive ROI each month, NOT a certain dollar amount. I knew before I put my money with any institution, I needed to master the skill of producing a positive percentage based return!

That part took me about a year. I did not have a mentor, I did not have a proven strategy, and I did not have anyone to really help me step by step.

So what did I do? I tested everything. ALL of it. All the indicators. All of the strategies. All of the robots! After all of all this, I found that I was attracted to price action because I could clearly see the patterns repeating.

I took my price action training and I traded on a demo account. I did this for months and months before I ever touched a live account. I ONLY opened a live account after I had established a positive return for MONTHS in a row. Almost 6 months to be exact.

Fast forward a year and there I was. Consistently profitable on my live account, month after month. I made money! My only problem was that I ran another business and the time spent looking at the charts was eating into my family life…

That is when I started creating custom forex indicators. Custom built indicators that would automatically find these price action points and send me alerts. Boom! “Ready To Trade” type of alerts. Pretty exciting huh?

Needless to say, word got out about my custom indicators. Before I knew it, my indicators were in high demand, so I started selling them. This worked great until I saw people struggling! Struggling with my custom-built indicators. The things that freed up my time, made trading easy for me and gave me massive profits!!!

I started realizing the ugly side of trading. The stuff people do not tell you about, the struggles that aspiring traders face today :

Being under capitalized
Not having a proven strategy
Not having the proper education
Not having confidence

Needing to make money to pay bills + try and pay for trading education
The desperate NEED for this to work…
I started to listen and understand. I found that providing a custom indicator, my “Holy Grail”, did not fix the problem. Just because it worked for me, it did not mean it would work for them.

I could not sell them anymore. It was against my moral code. I was not helping people as I thought I would. These people needed a MENTOR!

They needed someone to help them step by step. They needed someone to help them when they were stuck. They needed LIVE interaction so they could ask questions on the fly. They needed to see someone succeed by using exactly what they were being taught day after day, week after week.

That is exactly what we have created here at STS. I decided to focus solely on the live mentorship. I stopped the individual indicator sales and instead decided to include them with the mentoring program. LIVE mentorship designed to help aspiring traders create success. I could never look back at this point! The relationships developed with the people we have helped and the success that is being created is life changing.

Success in trading forex does not come overnight. It cannot be bought. It does not come in an algorithm or trading robot. It comes with mentorship and guidance. It comes with the right mindset. It comes from mentorship provided by someone that has proven success. It comes with time and dedication.

I am dedicated to helping you succeed. Every step of the way. – Ken

Are you ready to start already? Get to it!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta. Mauris lacus odio, congue eget justo nec, eleifend pellentesque orci. Interdum et malesuada fames.


We can only hold you spot for so long !!!



This brand new masterclass will teach you:

A solid fundamental and psychological foundation

How to legally STEAL money from the markets

How to know exactly which trades to take

How to read news events to make sure you are on the right side of the trade

Time tested trading strategies

A proven to work trade plan. Helping you to structure your trading

When its the best time AND the worst times to trade forex

How to trade when you have a full time job

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of what you’ll get with Simple Trading Solutions mentorship!

Can you imagine what your life will be like when you have the ability to advance past all the new traders and start making money faster… Any time you want (or need to) – instantly?

So click the button below right now to add STS Mentorship Course to your order.

I guarantee it will help you to become a profitable trader in less than two months!

This could be your results! See what our students earn after finishing our STS Mastermind Academy

But Let Me Sweeten The Pot Even More With This Instant Bonus For Joining Now...

When you act now, you’ll also receive How To Create A Trading Plan, course (worth $100), for FREE.

What are you going to learn with our coaches

Best ways to diversify ​investments

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta.

How to make ​a ​investment strategy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta.

​Saving money ​for future investments

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta.

Best way to ​invest your money

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta.

How to manage relationships

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta.

​Getting and maintaining ​stable cashflow

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta.

What do you get when you join?

​Curriculum & ​materials you’ll be getting once you sign up

Simple Trading Solutions
Forex A-Z Masterclass
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecratet adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecratet adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta."


Online Course and Webinars That Teach You The Strategies

Donec vel leo viverra, laoreet justo sit amet, rutrum risus. Phasellus sed vehicula nunc. Pellentesque viverra laoreet sapien, quis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus.

Cras fermentum blandit risus, at mattis urna. Praesent at tempus velit. Proin sollicitudin posuere scelerisque. Sed odio ante, ullamcorper sit amet sodales quis, finibus in dui. Aliquam mi justo, tempus non lacus aliquam.

Nullam mattis libero non nisi dapibus convallis. Cras dapibus scelerisque massa, vel suscipit dui condimentum ut. Etiam id velit eu dolor porta sodales.

What to expect?


Six different indicators and constant trade alerts in Discord

​Donec vel leo viverra, laoreet justo sit amet, rutrum risus. Phasellus sed vehicula nunc. Pellentesque viverra laoreet sapien, quis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus.

Cras fermentum blandit risus, at mattis urna. Praesent at tempus velit. Proin sollicitudin posuere scelerisque. Sed odio ante, ullamcorper sit amet sodales quis, finibus in dui. Aliquam mi justo, tempus non lacus aliquam​.

Nullam mattis libero non nisi dapibus convallis. Cras dapibus scelerisque massa, vel suscipit dui condimentum ut. Etiam id velit eu dolor porta sodales.

Nullam mattis libero non nisi dapibus convallis. Cras dapibus scelerisque massa, vel suscipit dui condimentum ut. Etiam id velit eu dolor porta sodales.

What to expect?

Indicator Alerts Stream To Discord So You Can Learn & Improve Yourself On-The-Go

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecratet adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecratet adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta."

A thiving community of other traders

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecratet adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecratet adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta."


Weekly webinars and daily opportunities to interact with like-minded traders.

​Donec vel leo viverra, laoreet justo sit amet, rutrum risus. Phasellus sed vehicula nunc. Pellentesque viverra laoreet sapien, quis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus. ​

Cras fermentum blandit risus, at mattis urna. Praesent at tempus velit. Proin sollicitudin posuere scelerisque. Sed odio ante, ullamcorper sit amet sodales quis, finibus in dui. Aliquam mi justo, tempus non lacus aliquam​.

Nullam mattis libero non nisi dapibus convallis. Cras dapibus scelerisque massa, vel suscipit dui condimentum ut. Etiam id velit eu dolor porta sodales.

What to expect?

​Start your journey today! ​Become our member!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta. Mauris lacus odio, congue eget justo nec, eleifend pellentesque orci. Interdum et malesuada fames.





On average, our students earn
more than 20 000 USD per month!

See for youself, numbers do not lie! Explore those screenshots and decide if you want to join them!


​Do not wait! Become an STS student ​today!

Dis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus.Cras fermentum blandit risus, at mattis urna. Praesent at tempus velit. Proin sollicitudin posuere scelerisque. Sed odio ante, ullamcorper sit amet so.


All that with 100% ​money-back guarantee!

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Don't take our word for it, read what our students have to say!

​I just begun with the Simple Trading Solutions and I am already earning 1000$ per week! ​Rutrum risus. Phasellus sed vehicula nunc.”

Dis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus.Cras fermentum blandit risus, at mattis urna. Praesent at tempus velit. Proin​.

Marco De Luca, Portugal

​I just begun with the Money Mastermind Academy and I am already earning 1000$ per week! ​Rutrum risus. Phasellus sed vehicula nunc.”

Dis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus.Cras fermentum blandit risus, at mattis urna. Praesent at tempus velit. Proin​.

​Mellisa McArthner, United Kingdom

“​With help of Money Mastermind Academy I am earning 24k USD/month. Donec vel leo viverra, laoreet justo sit amet, rutrum risus. Phasellus sed​.”

Dis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus.Cras fermentum blandit risus, at mattis urna. Praesent at tempus velit. Proin​.

Ivan Petrokovich, Russia

“​With help of Money Mastermind Academy I am earning 24k USD/month. Donec vel leo viverra, laoreet justo sit amet, rutrum risus. Phasellus sed​.”

Dis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus.Cras fermentum blandit risus, at mattis urna. Praesent at tempus velit. Proin​.

Maya Trebleson, United States

Have you decided to change your life?
When do you start with our
Money Mastermind Academy?

Let’s summarize, what exactly are you gonna get after you get your membership…


Series of ebooks & that will help you embrace money mastermind mindset.

Dis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus.Cras fermentum blandit risus, at mattis urna. Praesent at tempus velit. Proin sollicitudin posuere scelerisque. Sed odio ante, ullamcorper sit amet so.


​​Audiobook package with more than three hundered hours of materials.

Dis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus.Cras fermentum blandit risus, at mattis urna. Praesent at tempus velit. Proin sollicitudin posuere scelerisque. Sed odio ante, ullamcorper sit amet so.


​​Top-notch online software to help you become better online entrepreneur.

Dis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus.Cras fermentum blandit risus, at mattis urna. Praesent at tempus velit. Proin sollicitudin posuere scelerisque. Sed odio ante, ullamcorper sit amet so.

You probably cou​ldn't believe but there is more!

​We'll include also this 4 bonuses​, completely free​!

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3 more ebooks about becoming better entrepreneur and businessman in general

Dis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus.Cras fermentum blandit risus, at mattis urna. Praesent at tempus velit. Proin sollicitudin posuere scelerisque. Sed odio ante, ullamcorper sit amet so.


Audiobook that can help you get through bad times as a business owner.

Dis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus.Cras fermentum blandit risus, at mattis urna. Praesent at tempus velit. Proin sollicitudin posuere scelerisque. Sed odio ante, ullamcorper sit amet so.


Access to our online software that helps young entrepreneurs to achieve more!

Dis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus.Cras fermentum blandit risus, at mattis urna. Praesent at tempus velit. Proin sollicitudin posuere scelerisque. Sed odio ante, ullamcorper sit amet so.


Get started with our academy today​ and grab all the ​materials that’​re usually worth more than 10 000 USD!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta. Mauris lacus odio, congue eget justo nec, eleifend pellentesque orci. Interdum et malesuada fames.


​Here are some FAQ that might interest you

Donec vel leo viverra, laoreet justo sit amet, rutrum risus?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi semper vulputate tincidunt. Mauris sodales vitae ipsum nec porta. Mauris lacus odio, congue eget justo nec, eleifend pellentesque orci.​

Phasellus sed vehicula nunc. Pellentesque viverra laoreet?

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut facilisis nibh eget ex maximus, at egestas orci faucibus. Sapien, quis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec​.

Si luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia?

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut facilisis nibh eget ex maximus, at egestas orci faucibus. Sapien, quis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec​.

Aliquam mi justo, tempus non lacus aliquam?

Faucibus. Ut facilisis nibh eget ex maximus, at egestas orci faucibus. Sapien, quis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in​.

​Cras fermentum blandit risus, at mattis urna​?

​Ut facilisis nibh eget ex maximus, at egestas orci faucibus. Sapien, quis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus or.

Praesent at tempus velit. Proin sollicitudin posuere?

​Sapien, quis ullamcorper sem mattis a. Maecenas lacus metus, convallis sit amet cursus nec, ornare vitae risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus or dolorm ispimf akerbs tergariog.

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